mud racing industries
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#20 BGN Mike Bliss Rockwell Automation Chevy
First Hi-rez car i am doing for NR2003.....looks pretty good eh?
4/18/03 - Mike Bliss #20 Preview Pic
4/12/03 - Added #43 Channellock Preview Pic
mud racing industries
Use this banner if you want to link my site on yours, just save it to your my documents.

Requests if anyone has any
#20 Mike Bliss Rockwell Automation BGN

All cars painted by me can be found on nascarnet
Just find my name in the upload library or type it in the search, click my name and it will give links to all my cars

Thunder Cup Racing League
If you have a Playstation2,Xbox,Gamecube,and NASCAR Thunder 2003, and want to see if you are one of the best gamers out there, email me and i will tell you more about the Thunder Cup Racing League.
(If you have a .net account go to
Also a League may be in the works for IndyCarSeries games for PS2 and XBox (TIRL)
Drop me a request or ideas for site

Go to for all your NR2003 needs.